Our facade projects in


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As Oy RM- Talo 59, Soittajantie 3, Helsinki

planning and supervision of renovations of facades and balconies in five different residential buildings

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As Oy Esma, Munkkisaarenkatu 12, Helsinki

planning and supervision of renovation of street and courtyard facades and balconies

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Juutalainen synagoga, Malminkatu 26, Helsinki

supervision of renovation of facades and windows

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As Oy Viherniemenkatu 5, Helsinki

planning and supervision of street facade renovations

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As Oy Caloniuksenkatu 4, Helsinki

planning and supervision of renovation and renovation of street and courtyard facades, balconies and windows

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Aleksis kiven koulu, Helsinki

supervision of facade renovations

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Eläintarhantie 14, Helsinki

planning and supervision of facade and roof renovation

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Koy Erottaja 1-3, Helsinki

planning and supervision of courtyard facade renovation

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As Oy Kaarensusi, Jönsaksenkuja 4, Helsinki

planning of renovations of facades and windows

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As Oy Helsinginkatu 28, Helsinki

supervision of renovations of facades and balconies

Our facade projects in


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As Oy Oma, Fredrikinkatu 18, Helsinki

planning and supervision of street facade renovations

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Hamptons, Erottajankatu 2, Helsinki

partial planning of facade and window renovation work

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As Oy Helsinginkatu 30, Helsinki

planning and supervision of repairs to street and courtyard facades and balconies

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As Oy Teppo, Säästöpankinranta 4, Helsinki

supervision of renovations of street and interior facades and balconies

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As Oy Päivärinnankatu 5, Helsinki

planning and supervision of renovation of street and courtyard facades, balconies and windows

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As Oy Humalistokatu 3, Helsinki

planning and supervision of renovation of street and courtyard facades, balconies and windows

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As Oy Kirjala, Kalevankatu 32, Helsinki

planning and sipervision of renovation of street and courtyard facades

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As Oy Korkeavuori, Korkeavuorenkatu 8, Helsinki

planning of renovations of courtyard facades, balconies and windows

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As Oy Kapteeninkatu 11, Helsinki

planning of renovations of courtyard facades and balconies

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planning of renovations of facades, balconies and windows

Our facade projects in


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Koy Erottaja n:o 1-3, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of facades

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Hotelli Kämp, Helsinki

supervising the renovation of facades

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Bostads Ab Östra Brunnsparken 7, Itäinen puistotie 9, Helsinki

julkisivujen, ikkunoiden , parvekkeiden ja vesikaton suunnittelu ja valvonta

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Koy Mariankatu 5-7, "Borgströmin talo", Helsinki

katu- ja sisäpihan julkisivujen suunnittelu

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As Oy Kapteeninkatu 11, Helsinki

julkisivujen suunnittelu ja valvonta, ikkunatöiden valvonta 2017

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As Oy Munkkisaarenkatu 8, Helsinki

julkisivujen, parvekkeiden ja ikkunoiden suunnittelu ja valvonta

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Bostads Ab Hesperia, Helsinki

julkisivujen, parvekkeiden ja ikkunoiden suunnittelu ja valvonta

Our facade projects in


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As Oy Vilhonvuori, Vilhonvuorenkatu 7-9, Helsinki

julkisivut, ikkunat, parvekkeet, suunnittelu ja valvonta

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As Oy Amo, Urheilukatu 24, Helsinki

katu- ja sisäpihan julkisivut ja parvekkeet, suunnittelu ja valvonta

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As Oy Isokaari 4, Isokaari 4, Helsinki

julkisivut ja parvekkeet, suunnittelu ja valvonta

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As Oy Koillisväylä 11, Helsinki

julkisivut ja ikkunat, suunnittelu ja valvonta

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As Oy Eerik VII, Helsinki

planning the renovation of facades

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Armfeltintie 13, Helsinki

julkisivujen ja vesikaton suunnittelu ja valvonta

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As Oy Turuntie 60, Helsinki

päätyjulkisivun kunnostustöiden suunnittelu ja valvonta

Our facade projects in 2016

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Koy Erottajankulma, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of facades

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Komendantintalo, Loviisa

planning and supervising the renovation of facades

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As Oy Kalliotalo, Mechelininkatu 24, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of external and courtyard facades, balconies and windows

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Kiinteistö Suomitalo, Helsinki

planning and supervising the window refurbishment

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As Oy Mannerheimintie 67, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of external and courtyard facades and balconies

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As Oy Mannerheimintie 148, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of courtyard facades, balconies and windows

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As Oy Kammiokatu, Ruusulankatu 17, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of courtyard facades and balconies

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As Oy Bulevardi 32, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of external and courtyard facades, balconies and windows

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As Oy Ratakatu 21, Helsinki

supervising the renovation of external facades

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As Oy Mäkelänkatu 4 B, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of external and courtyard facades, balconies and windows

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Villa Vallmogård, Kauniainen

planning and supervising the renovation of facades

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Palokunnantalo, Loviisa

planning and supervising the renovation of facades

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As Oy Kongontie 23, Helsinki

supervising the renovation of facades and balconies

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As Oy Nordenskiöldinkatu 4

planning and supervising the renovation of external and courtyard facades, balconies and windows

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As Oy Väinämöisenkatu 11, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of balconies

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The House of Nobility, Helsinki

planning and supervising the window refurbishment

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As Oy Tehtaankatu 16, Helsinki

planning and supervising the window renovation and refurbishment

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As Oy Hietalahdenkatu 12, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of balconies on the external facade

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As Oy Porvoontorni, Porvoonkatu 32, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation of external and courtyard facades, balconies and windows


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Bostads Ab Ulrikasborg, Ullanlinnankatu- Pieni Roobertinkatu, Helsinki

planning the renovation and refurbishment of facades, windows and balconies

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As Oy Helsingin Rauhalinna, Pietarinkatu 7 - Neitsytpolku 8, Helsinki

planning and supervising the renovation and refurbishment of facades and windows

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Kiinteistö Ajurinpuisto 4, Tammisaari

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Bostads Ab Melior, Speranskintie 3, Helsinki

supervising the refurbishment of facades (planning in 2014)

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Aleksis Kiven katu 4-6-8, Helsinki

supervising the refurbishment of facades (planning in 2014)

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Armfeltintie 13, Helsinki

planning the refurbishment of facades

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Helsingin kuvataidelukio upper secondary school, Helsinki

planning the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Pietarinkatu 15, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades (partly)

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As Oy Turuntie 92, Mannerheimintie 120, Helsinki

supervising the window refurbishment

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Bostads Ab Sandels i Helsingfors, Välskärinkatu 9, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of windows and balconies

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As Oy Salpasävel, Halsuantie 1, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of balconies and facades

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As Oy Mannerheimintie 69, Helsinki

supervising the renovation of facades and balconies (planning in 2014)

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As Oy Ratakatu 21, Helsinki

supervising the window renovation

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As Oy Tunnelitie 10, Helsinki

planning the renovation and refurbishment of facades, balconies and windows

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As Oy Rajasaari, Rajasaarentie 9, Helsinki

planning the refurbishment of stairwell balconies’ windows and doors and planning the refurbishment of balconies

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As Oy Laivanvarustajankatu 5, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades and renovation of the external sill

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Aleksanterinkatu 15, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of courtyard windows

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As Oy Kiskontie 8, Helsinki

planning the refurbishment of windows and facades

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As Oy Haapalahdentie 11, Huopalahdentie 11, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of balconies and facades

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As Oy Helsingin Riihitie 8, Helsinki

planning the refurbishment of balconies

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As Oy Ilmarila, Ilmarinkatu 4, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of windows facing the street and stairwells’ false ceilings

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As Oy Kalevala, Kotkankatu 6, Helsinki

planning the refurbishment of balconies and outdoor stairwells

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As Oy Mannerheimintie 47, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of balconies and facades

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As Oy Vuorimiehenkatu 29, Helsinki

planning and supervising the window refurbishment


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As Oy Huvilakatu 25, Helsinki

Courtyard facades, windows, balconies; planning and supervising the refurbishment of courtyard facades

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Munkkiniemi Manor, Hki

planning the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Lokkalantie 16, Helsinki

Facades, windows, balconies; planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Pietarinkatu 15, Helsinki

Courtyard facades and windows (in part); planning and supervising the refurbishment of courtyard facades

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As Oy Tykistökatu 9, Tykistönkatu 9, Helsinki

supervising the refurbishment/renovation of windows and facades

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As Oy Postipuuntie 2, Espoo

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Näsinlinna Palace, Tampere

facades and interiors, supervising and planning facades, planning interior painting

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Bostads Ab Melior , Speranskintie, Helsinki

planning courtyard facades and external facades (in part)

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Lpk- Seilorit, Merikasarmi naval barracks, Helsinki

facades, supervision, partial planning of facades

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As Oy Koitto, Luotsikatu 18, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of stairwell balconies

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As Oy Mannerheimintie 69, Helsinki

facades, balconies, planning and supervising

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Aleksanterinkatu 15, Helsinki

planning the refurbishment of courtyard windows

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Liisankatu 16 Oy, Helsinki

planning the renovation/refurbishment of courtyard facades

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Aleksis Kiven katu 4-6-8, Helsinki

planning the renovation/refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Oma, Fredrikinkatu – Iso Roobertinkatu, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades



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As Oy Mannerheimintie 88, Hki

facades, windows, balconies; planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Bostads Ab Stora Allen 18, Munkkiniemen puistotie 18, Hki

Facades and windows; planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Tientalo 21, Perustie 21, Hki

Facades and balconies; planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Uudenmaankatu 25 - external facades

planning the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Topeliuskatu n:o 37, Topeliuksenkatu 37A, facades and windows

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Mariankatu 16, courtyard facades

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Riddarborg, Kirkkokatu 9, Hki - courtyard facades

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Urheilukatu 32, facades, windows, balconies

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades in 2013–2014

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As Oy Luode, Mannerheimintie 49, Hki



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Koy Eteläesplanadi 12, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Sture, Sturenkatu 40 Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Telakka, Perämiehenkatu 15, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Pori Art Museum, Pori

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Perämiehenkatu 11, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Koy Mestaritalo, Tehtaankatu 27-29, Helsinki

planning the refurbishment of facades

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Kyyhkysmäki 7, Espoo

planning and supervising the refurbishment of balconies

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As Oy Fred-Kadia, Fredrikinkatu 62- Arkadiankatu 16, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades in 2012–2013


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Aleksanterinkatu 15, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Tellus, Helsinki

planning and supervising the plastering and painting

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As Oy Ehrensvärdintie 18-20, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Iso-kaari 12-16, Isokaari 12-16, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades, three separate residential apartment buildings

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As Oy Vesannontie 9, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Suvikeskus, Suvikuja 3, Espoo

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Messeniuksenkatu 6, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Koy Bulevardi 22, Helsinki

planning and supervising the plastering and painting


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As Oy Pääskylänkatu 7, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Pohjoisranta 10, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Pohjoisranta 12, Helsinki, katu- ja sisäpiha

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Seura, Fleminginkatu 2, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Turun Kontu, Puutarhakatu 46, Turku

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Satokippari, Espoo

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Koy Fredrikinpasaasi, Fredrikinkatu 25, Helsinki, sisäpihan julkisivu

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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Bostads Ab Hafnia, Eteläranta 2, Helsinki

julkisivujen kunnostustöiden suunnittelu ja valvonta

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As Oy Sampsa, Tehtaankatu 7, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Aleksanterinkatu 15, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Liisankatu 25, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Snellmaninkatu 29, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Hannus, Huvilakatu 28-30, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Näsilinna Palace, Näsikallio Museum, Tampere

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Children’s Castle hospital, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades in 2003–2010


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Hämeenlinna Town Hall, Hämeenlinna

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Mehiläinen Oy Töölö, Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 17, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Sato N:o 1, Väinölänkatu 2 - Kalervonkatu 8 - Mäkelänkatu 95, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Liisankatu 11, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Agricolankulma, Agricolankatu 8, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Topeliuksenkatu 25, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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Hotel Katajanokka, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Tehtaankatu 34 D&E, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Hangon Bulevardi 20, Hanko

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Eerikinkatu 1, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Villa Ulrika, Ullankatu 1, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Koy Yrjönkatu 11, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Surgical Hospital, The Mu building, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Satakuntatalo (Satalinnan Säätiö), Lapinrinne 1, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa/Service centre, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Harjutori 8, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Suvikulma, Suvikuja 4, Espoo

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Villa Honkaniemi, Kirkkonummi

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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Työväen Rakennus Oy Elo, Eerikinkatu 7, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Paimion yhteiskoulu school, Paimio

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Piispantalo, Tampere

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Kalevankatu 47, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Kivipuro, Stenbäckinkatu 4b, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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As Oy Töölönkatu 44-48, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades (courtyard balcony lines)

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As Oy Suvikulma, Suvikuja 4, Espoo

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Mannerheimintie 42, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Fleminginkatu 16, Helsinki; courtyard facades

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Lapua Art Museum (Vanha patruunatehdas), Lapua

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Tampere City Hall, Tampere

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Niinisalon Garrison Kankaanpää 2003-2004

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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Finlayson’s old factory area, Tampere

planning plastering and painting 1995–2003

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Nordea Bank Finland, Toijala

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Tehtaankatu 13, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Freda 47, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Puistokaari 1, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Military Academy main building, Santahamina

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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The University of Art and Design Helsinki’s educational building, Yrjönkatu 18, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Daycare centre Bertha-Maria Hemmet, Töölönkatu 47, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Surgical Hospital’s courtyard buildings (in part), Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Erkylä Manor area, Hyvinkää

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Riihimäki Prison, Riihimäki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Koy Yrjönkatu 17, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Toinen Linja 13, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Torilinna, Fabianinkatu 13, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Hitsaajankatu 9, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Taidemuseo Hämeenlinna, Hämeenlinna

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Kiinteistö Oy Navigator, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Nordea Bank Finland, Loviisa

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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As Oy Eerikinkatu 12, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Toinen Linja 9, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Munkkiniemen Puistotie 21, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Mannerheimintie 6, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Kiinteistö Oy Etelä Esplanadi 14, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Kiinteistöt Bulevardi 1, 22, 28, Helsinki

julkisivujen kunnostustöiden suunnittelu ja valvonta

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Hotel Otava, Pori

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Askainen Church, Askainen

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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The Fennia block

Buildings: Old Fennia, Halonen, Nikolajeff, Paulo Helsinki 2001–2004
planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Piikkiö Church, Piikkiö

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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Teisko high rises, Tampere

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Mietoinen Church, Mietoinen

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Koy Elimäenkatu 9, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Tehtaankatu 13, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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As Oy Pengerkatu 9, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Kasarmikatu 10, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Pori Theatre

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Hotel Tammer, Tampere

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa/Women's Hospital, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Vartiokylä Church, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Sammatti Church, Sammatti

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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The Residence of the Ambassador of the United Kingdom, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Kanta-Loimaa Church, Loimaa

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades


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Hvittorp meeting and training centre’s main building, Kirkkonummi

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Hietaniemi Cemetary’s maintenance building, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Koy Elimäenkatu 9, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades in 1996–2000

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Palanderin Talo, Tampere

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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As Oy Kulmalinna, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Ainanlinna, Tampere

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Yliskylän Ala-Aste school, Helsinki

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Lylyinen Manor, Lohja

planning and supervising the refurbishment of facades

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Rakennuskonsultointi Treuthardt Oy

Pitäjänmäentie 15, 00370 HELSINKI, FINLAND
Tel. +358 (0)9 737 205

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